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蜂蜜と酢の効能 Today in Scienceより






Ancient Healing Power
An effective treatment for chronic wounds and burns might be sitting in your pantry: a mixture of honey and vinegar that has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. Honey stresses bacteria and fights infections with its high sugar content and acidity. Similarly, vinegar’s active component, acetic acid, is a natural antiseptic that breaks down bacterial DNA and proteins. When combined, the mixture is called oxymel. In a recent study, oxymel killed up to 1,000 times more bacteria in a laboratory-grown biofilm than vinegar alone and up to 100,000 times more than honey alone.

Why this matters: With antibiotic-resistant bacteria on the rise, scientists are eagerly seeking new ways to fight intransigent infections. Oxymel could be particularly valuable for chronic wound infections. These long-lived skin lesions are common in people with diabetes or burn trauma, and they often contain organized colonies of stubbornly antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

What the experts say: “Chronic wounds are a huge burden on the health-care system,” says Andrew Vardanian, a plastic surgeon at UCLA Health, who specializes in complex wounds. “We need alternatives because some treatments don’t work for certain patients.” Oxymel would also be much cheaper than existing infection treatments.





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